You can surely use your credit card but an even more advanced method than using credit cards would be by using a web wallet called Moneybookers.This is the worlds fastest payment and withdrawal system for betting.
Using a credit card for online transactions is much safer than swiping it in a restaurant or any store since secure servers ensure your credit card’s security. Credit cards are also safer than bank transfers since even in case you become a victim of credit card fraud, you can still receive compensation by complaining to your credit card company.
Many bookmakers will accept credit cards including Visa, which is most preferred card followed by MasterCard. Anyway, credit card companies too try to help their clients.
One benefit of using your MasterCard to play is that you can earn bonuses! If you do not lose while playing on Sure Bets (bet arbs) then you could have sufficient money to rotate between various bookies, which translate into bonuses.